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Tomek InvesTB

19-11-2024 08:39

Below is an article from 19 November 2024:

Biggest ASX forum covering PEN:

Tomek InvesTB

23-11-2024 09:05

Addition: Why Peninsula changed their chemistry?

(I'm not an chemistry guy)
Grounds in USA are mostly with bigger quantities of carbonates (more than 2%). That's why companies like URG, UEC will use typical alkaline ISR chemistry.
In about 2015, PEN realized that their deposit is not a fully recoverable with typical methods. Wayne had mission to change it to a low PH Chemistry, used in most of the world (Kazachstan).
Low PH can be used only if carbonates in ground are less than 2%. If not, acid injected underground will dissolve with rocks, creating gypsum and blocking/chocking extraction process.  

Low pH lixiviants have technical and economic advantages over alkaline lixiviants in formations that are amenable to low pH solutions (especially those with low carbonate content). Low pH leaching has the potential to recover a higher percentage of uranium (70-90 percent versus 60-70 percent for alkaline leaching), uranium recovery requires fewer pore volumes (PVs) of lixiviant injection, it requires a shorter leaching duration, radium is less soluble in a sulfate medium than bicarbonate medium, it requires less oxidant, and the low pH lixiviant has a higher degree of natural attenuation during restoration (IAEA 2001). Low pH lixiviant is also effective at dissolving uranium that is resistant to other methods such as uranium contained or coated by other minerals (IAEA 1993). The relative
disadvantages of low pH compared to alkaline lixiviants include higher chemical costs (especially in formations with carbonate content greater than 1.5-2 percent), risk of well screen and formation plugging due to gypsum precipitation and gas bubble formation, need to use corrosion-resistant materials and equipment, and the higher concentration of most dissolved constituents in the wellfield, which potentially present added challenges for groundwater restoration following mining (IAEA 1993, 2001).

Tomek InvesTB

23-11-2024 09:57

Frederic Guerin is a new CEO of Peninsula. He is a former AREVA/ORANO director.

Tomek InvesTB

27-11-2024 17:15

French Orano after military coup in Niger lost 20% its imports for uranium yellow cake. Now Orano is building biggest centrifuge enrichment facility in North America. They will need uranium to enrich.
New CEO of Peninsula come from Orano. 

Tomek InvesTB

12-12-2024 18:16

In a Wyoming, not every ground have mineralogy adjusted to low PH ISR mining method. Most are alkaline. Using acid (low PH) for extraction can cause problems:

But Peninsula changed their chemistry because their project have low carbon content.

Peninsula did two field tests for finding out, is chemistry works. First attempt didn't work well. Second attempt give them confidence to restart operations:

They did this field test for one year, and as they stated, gypsum etc. wasn't a problem.

Big question with no answer is why Peninsula invite Orano director as their CCO (Chief Commercial Officer).
Is it because of gypsum plugging and chemistry problems, or is it because of Orano building biggest enrichment facility in North America, and need for U3o8 source?

Wayne himself stated, that he is stepping out to a more technical role, because he is not a promotional type guy.

Tomek InvesTB

19-12-2024 18:26

Big NEWS !!! Peninsula is restarting production. Mined uranium resin will be stored till February. Then dryers should be back from out-source refurbishment and installed. Then dried uranium will be produced. If everything goes fine, this company should be a cash cow.

Also Australian dollar is very cheap, compared to other currencies (USD and PLN in example).
PEN is denominated in AUD.


19-12-2024 20:37

Global did not loose its mine as stated in the article “Global Atomic lost a mine in Niger due to a military coup, and the country is now under increasing Russian influence.” 
Great article love Penmd. They are finally in pre production 

Tomek InvesTB

19-12-2024 22:56

Thank you.

Yes, you're right. My false. GLO have financing problems because of military coup. It looks bad.


22-12-2024 18:25

Why do you say that?
 They can find other ways to finance if dfc doesn't go through.  

The probability that the mine won't be built is very low. Its been hell of a ride.

 I see their being more raises. I won't believe anything till financing is confirmed😫
I believe in the team/management but well aware of the risk. 

Tomek InvesTB

23-12-2024 10:38


If you are a GLO shareholder then I wish you well and I wish GLO will start to proceed with mine build out in 2025.

As far as I know, Orano lost it's mine and Niger uranium stockpile at this moment. GLO is also in Niger.

Not far ago, Israel took Syria. Israel is a US ally. This is clear signal that Russia lose this "war", because Syria was influenced by Russia.
Now maybe Niger will start to worry being ally to Russia. US have big military base in Niger.

I also know, that GLO signed contracts for delivery uranium to Europe last week, starting from 2026.

Tomek InvesTB

27-12-2024 08:25

Very healthy uptrend. Book example of 46% rise from bottom.

Tomek InvesTB

30-12-2024 17:14

Tomek InvesTB

05-01-2025 20:28

Tomek InvesTB

06-01-2025 11:19

Peninsula have new CEO- George Bauk. New CEO should be a good talker. Wayne and Frederic will take care about mine. Some say that George is well known from acquiring money via dilution. They don't realize that dilution is a decision. If it's needed, it is needed. Why Peninsula diluted? Go back to my article above...

Market today wasn't happy about decision of new CEO. Almost -7% down. Overall uranium ASX market was green.

Was it really investors or market makers and traders ? I have access to second level market order book. As we can see, there was a time yesterday, when buyers wanted 1.4m shares but sellers wanted to sell only 340 000 shares.
This robo/algo market is easy to manipulate short term. If group of accounts have 2m$, they can short term drive the price down, to acquire shares from unaware retail. That's my opinion.
Most ASX uranium companies were up yesterday.

Tomek InvesTB

14-01-2025 19:28

Peninsula is getting close to full production. First drier is on site. Kendrick is getting approved.

Tomek InvesTB

31-01-2025 12:06

Information about 3 month + delay made company share price fall 18% today. 33% from recent top.
Announcement also mention possible share dilution and 2025 mining downgrade. PEN need 400k lbs of uranium to fulfill contracts. Probably, 200k lbs will be needed to buy from SPOT market. It is 14m US$. PEN have 45m US$ in cash, but this sum is not sufficient. They need 49m US$ to finish processing plant.

As they stated, delay is because infrastructure is not ready yet.